
Register endpoints

The basic implementation SimpleRouter have support to register endpoints with function or method-based views.

Example of using for the endpoint with method-based view:

from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter
from aiorest_ws.views import MethodBasedView

class MethodView(MethodBasedView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return "aiorest-ws is awesome!"

router = SimpleRouter()
router.register('/test_view', MethodView, 'GET')

and the same, but with function-based view:

from aiorest_ws.decorators import endpoint
from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter

@endpoint(path='/test_view', methods='GET')
def function_based_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
    return "aiorest-ws is awesome!"

router = SimpleRouter()

Request processing

When client send a request to the our API, he will have processed by the following algorithm:

  1. Get the URL from request

  2. Search handler by received URL

  3. If handler was found, do the next steps:

    3.1. Make pre-processing of request, via invoke middlewares

    3.2. Search suitable serializer for generating response

    3.3. Processing request by calling specified method from the view

  4. Serialize response

  5. Return response

Merge endpoint lists

In situations, when you separate functionality of your application on a parts, can be useful to union endpoints into one router, which will have been used for processing client requests further.

SimpleRouter have include method, which provide a mechanism, which copy endpoints from another router into himself.

Example of using:


from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter
from aiorest_ws.views import MethodBasedView

class HelloWorld(MethodBasedView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return "Hello from!"

hello_router = SimpleRouter()
hello_router.register('/hello_module/hello', HelloWorld, 'GET')


from hello_routing import hello_router

from aiorest_ws.routers import SimpleRouter
from aiorest_ws.views import MethodBasedView

class HelloWorld(MethodBasedView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return return "Hello, world!"

main_router = SimpleRouter()
main_router.register('/hello', HelloWorld, 'GET')
# after this line of code main_router will be contains 2 endpoints